If you've seen the video for "Run (I'm A Natural Disaster)," the first single from Atlanta based Gnarls Barkley's second LP, The Odd Couple, you'll get a sense of the juxapositions that run through the rest of the densely layered, emotionally complex album: 60's and 70's pop and soul bumping up against modern hip-hip and electronica; breezy, upbeat sounding music over dark, even menacing sounding lyrics and vocals. If the result is occasionally disorienting, it's also almost unfailingly intoxicating and just plain fun to hear. Even though the strongest material is weighted towards the first half, The Odd Couple is head and shoulders a better album than St. Elsewhere, and that album wasn't too shabby. Here's hoping that Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse, the two talented musicians behind Gnarls Barkley, are just beginning to build a body of work for their band. Standout cuts: "Charity Case," "Going On," "Run [I'm A Natural Disaster]" and "Surprise." D. Renville (Amazon.com customer review)
1 blind mary
2 she knows
3 no time soon
4 whatever
5 who’s gonna save my soul
6 run
7 would be killer
8 open book
9 going on
10 charity case
11 surprise
12 a little better
13 neighbors
Important: Rapidshare has been quick in taking off the Odd Couple album. Keep me posted in the chat box on the link validity and I will try to update it as often as I can. Enjoy!!